Building top of mind awareness and brand recognition can be costly, but it can also be as simple as putting your logo and contact information on everything that a client receives when doing business with you. Go find your happy medium, but find it you must. If not, almost half of your effective message is lost the same day you deliver it to a client, and the rest of your selling message goes shortly after that.
I want you to conduct a poll for your business unit’s product line. Call your clients, vendors, associates, and some individuals off the street and ask them what’s the first thing they think about when you say “X” (something associated with your product line). Then ask them what your company does. Be prepared to be shocked, because you cannot expect to build new and repeat customer orders without having any top of mind awareness and brand recognition. Look at your sales message; is it clear, concise, and repetitive? If not, refocus the sales approach on the two key factors that can keep and attract new customers: top of mind awareness and brand recognition.
Another approach to remember about building your top-line sales growth is co-branding. How many product lines are out there in the marketplace that would be non-intrusive, complementary, or have a positive impact on the buying decision of a customer regarding your product line? A lot! All of those product lines mentioned above have a database of customers, and so do you. Why not work up an agreement between your business unit and theirs and cross promote, advertise, solicit, market, and bring visibility to each other’s product lines for share-shifting opportunities from each other’s competitive set?
Co-branding can also lower costs, offer more product line access to your clients, and prospect to a more qualified database in less time. In the hotel business, everything from the preferred credit card to long-distance service provider is co-branded. What are you waiting for with your product line? Someone to call you? Co-brand your product line today with top-of-mind awareness that has brand recognition so you can yield greater sales growth for your tomorrows to come.
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You hit some very key points! Thank you for all your great insight, I know many small business owners who rely on your blog for advice. In case you wanted to help spread the word, I have a great suggestion for women who are interested in building their brands. I actually work with Microsoft, and right now I’m really excited to spread the word about the “Vision to Venture” tour they’re having between April and May, which will consist of five live events. Featured speaker, John Jantsch is a marketing and digital technology coach, award-winning social media publisher, and author of Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide, as well as many other speakers offering industry tips. The tour is fully geared towards women entrepreneurs and business owners/ developers .You can see more and register at so let me know what you think! And if you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them !
A good post on The Profit Repairman. We are VA4World a virtual assistant firm who provide admin support service for SME’s all over the world. We would like to hear your feedback.
Sridhar – VA4World for viral marketing, SEO and admin support
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